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I’ve got a plan to fight the tag says star Tiger


Richmond key defender Alex Rance says he now has mechanisms in place to combat taggers should opposition sides employ the unconventional tactic.

Port Adelaide and St Kilda have deployed a run-with player on the three-time All-Australian backman in the past fortnight to mixed results.

Power forward Jackson Trengove initially curbed Rance’s influence in the first half of their clash at Adelaide Oval, but was unable to hold the 27-year-old after half-time as the Tigers stormed home to win.

However Saints veteran Nick Riewoldt was far more successful, with Rance unable to affect the contest early and allowing the Saints to enter half-time of their clash at Etihad Stadium 82 points in front.

Rance says that he has learned plenty in the past two weeks and now has systems in place if any side attempt similar strategies moving forward, starting with their clash against Brisbane at Etihad Stadium on Sunday.

“I’ve got some mechanisms in place now that I know how to deal with that stuff,” he told SEN’s The Super Box.

“I think with the age of their [Brisbane’s] forward line, it’s probably going to be a lot different to the way Nick played it because he played it very well.

“I know it is going to come now, but I know how to combat it.

“This is just the next graduation of how my game will go.”

The star Tiger says he is surprised opposition teams have identified him as a tagging target, believing it likely impacted on his poor start in the St Kilda game.

“It’s interesting, it’s probably the first time that someone’s done it in such an obvious way… I didn’t honestly see my career ever going this way - that I was going to get tagged as a full back,” he said.

“The Trengove one was really challenging because it was so physical and so constant. He stuck to the task really well for the whole game but I just had to work out how to play it.

“It’s certainly something that I addressed personally during the week…it’s not the sort of leadership that I want to show and have an impact on the group.

“I had the first three possession gains of the game, and instead of taking control and being calm, I probably turned it over and let my frustrations get the better of my decision making process.

“I know I’ll definitely learn from it.”

Alex RANCE Richmond The Super Box

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