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Choco reveals “intimate” knowledge of Dusty situation


Former Richmond assistant coach Mark Williams has revealed how much he knew about Dustin Martin’s contractual situation.

Martin re-signed with the Tigers on a seven-year deal reportedly worth $1.3 million last week, and the 2004 premiership coach has explained how involved he was in the process.

Williams also delve deep into how the picture painted of Martin’s Dad, Shane, during the contract negotiations was an inaccurate one.

“Every now and again, I got a random phone call from someone at Richmond,” Williams told SEN Afternoons.

“They wanted to know what was happening with Dusty. Dustin and I talked about it. I spoke about three-or-four times with his Dad.

“All the supporters were putting Shane into a bit of a box, saying he just wants Dusty for money, but they’re completely wrong. Shane was always about looking after Dustin and what the best thing was for him. I had an intimate knowledge of exactly what was going on.

“It was good to talk through a father’s concern about what’s best for Dustin. What it means to be a one-club player, how difficult it would be to go to another club.”

Williams also described how Martin, the 2017 Brownlow Medal favourite, held all the bargaining power over the Tigers, something that hadn’t happened in previous deals.

“Dustin and I had been through a couple other contractual discussions with Richmond prior to this one, where Richmond held the whip handle,” he said.

“In the end, I told Dusty, don’t worry, sign this one and just wait for the next one. He delivered and then he held the whip handle.

“The management with [manager] Ralph [Carr]…Dusty has been so happy to work with him, they said here is the number, Richmond you deliver this number, and we will sign. That’s what happened.”

North Melbourne was one of the favourites to secure Martin’s services, attempting to lure him to Arden Street with a monstrous $1.5 million deal. The Roos have also shown heavy interest in out of contract GWS superstar Josh Kelly, and Williams told Martin to seek confirmation the Giant midfielder would join him at North.

“I said to him, if you go to this other club, you better know other people are coming,” he said.

“You don’t want to be jumping and nobody else comes. If it were North, you’d want to know Josh Kelly is coming as well. When you’re seen as the savior, it adds a massive amount of pressure.”

Mark Williams Dustin MARTIN Richmond SEN Afternoons

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