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The youngster the Saints should target at this year’s draft


Hawthorn great Terry Wallace has urged St Kilda to target South Australian young gun Izak Rankine at this year’s National Draft.

Rankine, 18, is rated as one of the most exciting talents in the 2018 draft, and looks almost certain to be taken inside the top five.

The Saints, who currently hold pick four, are looking for additional midfield class and Wallace believes the classy midfielder/forward is the type of player that fits the bill.

“It’s depending on what they’re looking for,” Wallace told SEN Afternoons.

“I think its class through the midfield is the way that they need to go.

“I would think that Izak Rankine is the guy that would stand out to me as the one they should be looking at.

“There’s been a lot of talk about Izak Rankine and not wanting to leave South Australia and if you get him he will be back in two years, so you would have to do your due diligence on all that before making a decision.

“A Dan Hannebery working alongside an Izak Rankine teaching him the right work ethic and the way that needs to go about his football, isn’t a bad start.

“Izak Rankine would be my answer.”

Rankine was selected in the Under 18 All-Australian team after a string of impressive performances for South Australia in the National Championships.

Listen to Terry Wallace’s chat on SEN Afternoons with Andy Maher in the player below

St Kilda Izak Rankine Terry Wallace SEN Afternoons

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