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Jacob Townsend "seeking a new home" with two teams in the mix


NAB Trade Radio journalist Damian Barrett believes premiership Richmond forward Jacob Townsend will be on the move to St Kilda.

Townsend, who’s out of contract at the Tigers, will apparently seek a move elsewhere, looking for greater opportunity.

“Jacob Townsend will be seeking a new footy home, as we've known for some time,” Barrett told NAB AFL Trade Radio.

And I'm told it's St Kilda who is showing the major interest in him.

“There’s a meeting teed up for that to be thrashed out, but there are other clubs interested in him.”

Essendon champion Matthew Lloyd knows of another club keen on Townsend’s services.

“My understanding is the Gold Coast Suns will look to bolster their mid-range players and will look to meet with Townsend, if they haven’t met already.”

Listen to Barrett and Lloyd discuss the Townsend move here

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