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Report: Saints to target in-demand veteran Hawk in off-field role


St Kilda are interested in acquiring in-demand Hawthorn veteran Jarryd Roughead in an off-field role for next season, according to the Herald Sun.

It’s understood the Saints have contacted Roughead’s manager, Craig Kelly, regarding a possible move to Moorabbin to join the club’s football department.

The position would entail duties in coaching, leadership and list management.

According to's Mitch Cleary, Gold Coast are also keen to secure the services of the four-time premiership Hawk in a similar role

Roughead, 32, was recalled for Hawthorn’s clash with Sydney tonight at the SCG after a five-week spell in the VFL.

The forward is out of contract at the end of this season.

Jarryd ROUGHEAD Hawthorn St Kilda

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