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AFL to review breaks between goals


THE AFL is reviewing the longer breaks between goals amid a collective feeling too much time is being wasted.

The league moved to increase the breaks between goals from 45 seconds to a minute to appease broadcasters in the wake of shorter games. COVID-19 protocols, which included players needing to use individual drink bottles after goals, was also a factor behind the longer breaks.

But irritated players and umpires mingling around and waiting for the restart became a familiar sight in Round 2, with Channel 7 showing replays after the commercials to fill-in the gaps.

It’s likely a 50-second break will be settled on, giving broadcasters time for two commercials and cutting down the wait time between majors.

Some players spoken to by said the longer breaks between goals, combined with 16-minute quarters, had drastically reduced the endurance component of the game.

Sam Edmund

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