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Contracted Saints midfielder not going anywhere, Treloar move "extremely unlikely"


St Kilda midfielder Seb Ross will be at Moorabbin in 2021, list boss James Gallagher has confirmed.

There has been some talk in recent weeks that Ross, who comes out of contract at the end of 2021, could be on the move during the ongoing Trade Period.

But Gallagher said on Friday that the 27-year-old will not be going anywhere.

“He’ll certainly be with us next year,” he said on AFL Trade Radio’s Trade Exchange.

“I read the scuttlebutt about him being seen somewhere else next year and I was reliably informed that it was rubbish in the end.

“He’s been an excellent player for our footy club and is not in his declining years, I think people just get much footy he’s got left.

“He’s going to prepare himself to have a really big year next year with Brad (Crouch) in the midfield and a couple of other guys in the middle as well.”

Gallagher also spoke at length about suggestions the club were interesting in prising Adam Treloar out of Collingwood.

He said it was “extremely unlikely” they would make a move for Treloar, saying there was “no point” in meeting with him and his management if it was not a realistic proposition.

“It’s unlikely,” he said.

“He’s a terrific player, but everyone is subject to the list sizes and cap spaces, the discussion there has raced a long way ahead of any discussion we’ve had with Adam’s management which hasn’t progressed really at all.

“I think it’s extremely unlikely that anything would happen there.

“There’s no point in pursuing that and leading anyone on to give anyone any sense of false hope for the player and for us as a club, we don’t want to be scattergun and react to the next name that is in the newspaper.

“We need to keep being pretty strategic, but I don’t think we’ll meet with Adam and that’s nothing against him as he seems like a fantastic lad.

“But it doesn’t seem like it’s the right thing to do.”

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