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The season Fitzroy great looks back on with regret


Fitzroy great Michael Conlan feels the club squandered a great chance to win the premiership in 1983.

Fitzroy finished third on the ladder at the conclusion of the home and away season, before losing consecutive finals to eventual premier Hawthorn and Essendon to go out in straight sets.

“I was very lucky in my 13 years at Fitzroy, I played in nine finals games,” Conlan told This Is Your Sporting Life thanks to Tobin Brothers Funerals

“In 1979 we played in a couple of finals, 1981 and then in 1983 we probably had our best team.

“1983 was one year that we really felt we could win it. We lost to Hawthorn by three points, had to go back and play Essendon who surprised us on the day and knocked us out.

“That was a real great opportunity I think we let go by in 1983.

“I’d say 1982 to 1984 were super years for the club. Those three years we had an as good a side as anybody in the competition.

“We just had a really strong side.

“That was a year that I look back on that we probably missed the opportunity to grab a flag.”

Conlan, who represented Victoria on four occasions, kicked 395 goals in 210 games for Fitzroy.

The 63-year-old is the former CEO of AFL Queensland.

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