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Two clubs stood out to potential top 10 pick during pre-draft interviews


Josh Rachele has spoken to all 18 AFL clubs ahead of the National Draft, but two teams stood out from the rest during his pre-draft interviews.

Rachele is an exciting midfielder-forward out of the Murray Bushrangers in the NAB League and has been touted as a potential top 10 pick.

“I’ve spoken to all 18 (clubs) and I’ve had four or five double ups as well,” he told SEN Breakfast.

“All of them impressed me. Obviously like everyone, you’d like to go anywhere.

“The mains ones that stood out were probably GWS and Adelaide. Earlier in the year, I had some honest feedback from Adelaide which was good.

“They (the Crows) told me a few things I should work on and I hadn’t had that feedback throughout the year, so it was good then to try and implement that later in the year.

“Most of them (club interviews) was your general stuff earlier on, so it was good to get that feedback at the start of the year.”

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A Blues supporter growing up, Rachele would love to play for his boyhood club in the AFL.

The 18-year-old spent a week training at Carlton in April as part of the AFL Academy's program.

“I go for the Carlton Blues, so obviously that would be ideal to go there,” Rachele said.

“I went and trained there earlier in the year through the AFL Academy. If I had to choose one place, it would definitely be there.”

Rachele turned down an scholarship from A-League champions Melbourne City at the age of 15 to pursue an AFL career.

Adelaide GWS Giants Carlton

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