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“That’s a fraudulent model”: King outlines fundamental issue in St Kilda’s game style


David King believes there’s a major flaw in St Kilda’s game plan that has been an issue for several years.

The Saints were beaten by 17 points on Friday night by a young Collingwood outfit in Round 1, a disappointing result after heading into the clash as favourites.

Collingwood dominated the game in patches, as did the Saints, but significant swings of momentum will no doubt concern Brett Ratten.

After analysing the game, King saw an issue that contributed heavily to the Magpies' run-ons on the Marvel Stadium turf.

“I’m confused with St Kilda, and we’ve been down this path with this plan before,” King told SEN’s Crunch Time.

“For the first half, I didn’t think there was any great point of difference, any real dare.

“When their pressure is on, they’re a capable AFL team, but when their pressure drops fractionally, they get picked apart too easily.

“They have way too many players finish forward of a contest before the contest is won.

“We’ve talked about this for two or three years now, that’s a fraudulent model.

“You cannot finish forward of the contest… As soon as you allow the opposition to outnumber you at the contest, you’re in trouble.”

St Kilda conceded two runs of three goals on Friday night, at the start of the third quarter and in the last term as well, which ultimately cost them the game.

They lost the contested possession count (144-147) and clearances (36-38), which gave them little chance of putting the Pies to the sword.

Zac Jones, Paddy Ryder, Hunter Clark, Jack Billings and Nick Coffield were all missing on Friday, but King believes that’s no excuse for the fundamental errors.

“The first three games (of the season), the team that wins contested footy has won the game. The team that wins inside 50s has won the game. You leak defensively in bursts in patches, so don’t worry too much about defensive numbers,” he continued.

“It’s not about protecting your defensive 50 at the moment because that’s not a key indicator over the first three games, but supply and contest will always be the dominant indicators.

“St Kilda are nowhere near that, they’re nowhere near winning the contest, and they only lost it by a few (goals).

“But if they lose them heavily in patches, they bleed so easily when they do.

“That’s my concern with them.

“That might be harsh this early in the year, I know they’re down some manpower, but manpower doesn’t stop you from finishing forward of the contest.”

The Saints play Fremantle in Round 2 in what should provide a clear indication of where both teams sit amongst the competition.

St Kilda

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