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Why Pavlich is “happy” to let Blues target Acres depart Dockers


Fremantle great Matthew Pavlich isn’t overly concerned by reports that Blake Acres will leave the club via trade this off-season.

Acres, 26, has been linked to a move to Carlton, who have reportedly tabled a three-year deal to the wingman.

In his ninth season at the AFL level and third with the Dockers, Acres averaged career highs in disposals (21.7), marks (5.8) and inside 50s (4.2).

Despite enjoying a career-best campaign, Pavlich isn’t fazed by the former Saint departing as in his view he’s “not in the best 10 players” at Fremantle.

“You can’t be seduced by talent,” Pavlich said on SEN WA.

“I mean, Blake’s had a good solid year and he’s a good solid player.

“But we’ve said this a couple of times, he’s not in the best 10 players at Fremantle, he’s not in the top 10 players at the Fremantle Dockers.

“Where you put your list and where you structure your list in terms of money and various things, you shouldn’t be seduced by someone wanting to leave.

“Yes, he’s been an important player this year, but he’s not a leader, he’s not in their leadership team.

“Is he someone that adds value to the club? Absolutely. Do you want to keep him? Absolutely.

“But should you be seduced by someone saying, ‘Well, we’ll give you x amount more money?’, well if you want to leave, that’s fine.

“If you want to leave for more money, that’s fine, but if you want to stay and play in top-four games and be here for a long period of time then here’s your option.”

When questioned again about Acres not being in the top 10 at the club, Pavlich doubled down, adding that if he’s been offered more money elsewhere Fremantle should be “happy” to do that despite preferring to keep the wingman in an ideal scenario.

“No, he’s not in the top 10 players at Fremantle,” Pavlich added.

“He’s had a very consistent year and sometimes players in the last year of their contract do have very good years and there’s a reason for that.

“I’m not saying Blake’s that way, but I think if you’re looking at their best 10 players, he’s not in that, he’s not in their leadership group.

“Therefore, if he’s being offered more money somewhere else, if you’re Fremantle you’re happy to do that deal begrudgingly because you want to keep him.

“But if it happens that way, then so be it.”

Acres is yet to request a trade, but with Fremantle’s season ending on Saturday at the hands of Collingwood, could make a call in the coming days.


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