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The “special” texts from AFL legends that capped off Cripps’ Brownlow win


Becoming a Brownlow medallist has dawned on Carlton captain Patrick Cripps after the star midfielder claimed the prestigious award on Sunday night.

Cripps took out the honour by one vote ahead of Brisbane’s Lachie Neale and the Blue says it’s particularly “special” for him given how much he loved the Brownlow as a youngster.

“It’s one of those things, you grow up quick,” Cripps said on SEN Breakfast.

“It still feels like it’s yesterday when I was 13 or 14 back at boarding school and I used to love watching the Brownlow to try and pick the winner, who’s played the best for the year.

“I got my older brother, and he always signed me out (of boarding school) and we’d watch it together.

“Now it’s come to actually winning one, it’s special.”

Growing up in Western Australia, Cripps admits he was a “massive” West Coast fan having been in primary school during the club’s golden era.

With former winners Chris Judd and Ben Cousins childhood heroes of Cripps, he was thrilled to receive kind messages after joining them in the exclusive club.

“I grew up a massive Eagles man,” Cripps said.

“I got a message from ‘Juddy’ and Benny Cousins straight after I won it and that was pretty special.”

Cripps’ Brownlow is the latest accolade to the 27-year-old’s name as he’s already a three-time All-Australian, Leigh Matthews Trophy winner and three-time John Nicholls medallist.

He is the sixth Blue to claim the coveted honour.


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