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“Take your time”: Jimmy Bartel reacts to Tom Hawkins’ surgery news


Geelong legend Jimmy Bartel isn’t concerned by news that star Cat Tom Hawkins may miss the start of the 2023 season.

The Cats revealed on Wednesday that Hawkins would be sent in for surgery this week after playing through a foot injury throughout the club’s finals campaign and Grand Final win.

While the club isn’t putting a timeline on his return just yet, AFL Media’s Josh Gabelich reported that the surgery could see him have a delayed start to the campaign, something Bartel doesn’t think is a big issue given the depth the Cats possess up forward.

“Early in his career (he’s been injured),” Bartel said on Sportsday.

“He’s been unstoppable, he’s been All-Australian the last four years and All-Australian captain.

“If he had lingering foot issues and he was braining the competition, my goodness, imagine him fit and firing.

“But he doesn’t have to play Round 1, really. At no stage (will they rush him).

“Do you think the Cats’ forward line will be able to cover him with Cameron and everybody else up there?

“(I’d say), ‘Just take your time big Hawk’, there’s no stress at all.”

Hawkins has been remarkably durable throughout his 327-game and counting career, making 18 or more senior appearances in every season since establishing himself in the side in 2009.

The key forward will turn 35 mid-next season but is showing no signs of slowing down having been crowned the All-Australian captain in 2022.

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