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Is New Zealand provincial rugby union in trouble?


Following a chat with Canterbury Rugby Union chairman Peter Winchester yesterday, regarding the governance of rugby in New Zealand, it was pretty obvious the rift that exists won't be mended any time soon.

It seems it's more about people, and types of people, rather than the game itself. Although, the game is the most important factor in the whole saga - or it should be.

How the heck are they going to agree on the people who will make up the NZ Rugby board? Because at this stage it seems they can't agree on the type of people who will select the type of people that they can't agree on and what they need to fit the role. Make sense? Of course it makes sense.

Is rugby nause needed? Surely it is in reasonable quantities when considering how rugby is played, who plays it, where it's played and how you want it to be played. Certainly there has to be some of that around the table. If you're on the board, surely you must have some knowledge of your main product.

Financial nause? Absolutely, they need bucket loads of that.

You always want to be able to sustain the growth, marketing, the image, the now of your product, and if you care at all, the long-term future of your product.

Every day we are hearing of job losses in our midst, announcements, closings, cut backs - because these are not good times, they are simply not, as we look to recover from some overall mismanagement of our own.

So I would imagine that's the role of some of the new board, to see if the staffing and payment levels throughout the entire rugby union are necessary and sustainable, it has to be, or as they say, 'fit for purpose' - and that would have to include player payments. Who would be maintaining and increasing those at the moment? Only the brave.

Look, I have no idea how and when this is going to be sorted and who the nine will be.

The truth is, does anybody? And how close are those people selecting the people who are ultimately going to select the people to run the country's rugby union.

It's big, it's important - so when are we going to sort it?

Listen to Ian Smith's full interview with Canterbury Rugby Union chairman Peter Winchester below:

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