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Does free agent Dangerfield deserve a two-year deal at age 34?


Geelong veteran Patrick Dangerfield is reportedly hoping to pick up a new two-year deal.

The Cats captain, 34, becomes a restricted free agent at the end of the season but according to SEN regular and Channel Nine journalist Tom Morris, he wants to stay at the Cattery until the end of the 2026 season.

Although most players of Dangerfield’s age receive one-year deals as their careers wind down, Kane Cornes thinks that the veteran is in the right to ask for a two-year contract.

He discussed Dangerfield’s reported contract request with Morris on SEN Breakfast.

Morris: “I just want to talk about Patrick Dangerfield because he's 34, he turns 35 next April.

“My understanding is that he'll look for a two-year deal with Geelong.

“Would you be giving him a two-year deal at the Cats? Or would you just give him one year?

“Bearing in mind that Scott Pendlebury got a two-year deal at the age of 34 a couple of years ago as well.”

Cornes: “You'd be more comfortable with one. But I mean, you’re not going to baulk at two.

“He's going to still manage the rest of his career and I don’t think it’s too much of a risk to go with two.

“I think their preference would be one, but we'll see how that one plays out.

“He's probably okay to ask for two, I'd be doing the same.”

Dangerfield has also been linked to his old club Adelaide, with Channel Seven’s Mitch Cleary reporting that the Crows have made a bid to lure the midfielder back to the club.

The eight-time All-Australian is currently sidelined with a hamstring injury and has played just four games in 2024 so far.

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