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Champion Data sees “recognisable” signs that Hardwick is turning Suns into prime Tigers


Gold Coast are one of the competition’s most statistically impressive teams across the last six weeks according to Champion Data.

The Suns are 4-2 across that period with wins against Hawthorn, West Coast, North Melbourne and most recently Geelong helping the side find itself in eighth spot after Round 10.

Their most recent win over Geelong in Darwin was probably their most impressive of the season as they battered the then top-two side by 64 points.

Champion Data’s Daniel Hoyne says that Gold Coast’s improvement has come on the back of Damien Hardwick having the side humming in four key categories that he thinks are crucial in winning - with the footy, without the footy, clearance and post-clearance.

The Suns have rated inside the top six in all of those four categories across that six-week period.

“What they've done over the over the last six week period (has been impressive),” Hoyne said on SEN Sportsday.

“We call it the ‘core four’, which we keep coming back to. It’s what me and Kingy (David King) sort of developed a couple of years ago in terms of what they're doing over a six-week period.

“They’re number two in terms of what they're doing with the footy, number six without the footy, fourth with their scoreboard return at clearance and then what they're doing at contest in general play is also fourth in the competition.”

As Gold Coast have never played finals in club history, Hoyne can’t remember a time, if ever, that they’ve profiled so well in all four key areas.

He even compared the side to Hardwick’s triple-premiership-winning Richmond outfit with how they’re currently playing.

“We haven't associated a Gold Coast team to have that profile over a six-week period for years, and potentially ever, to be perfectly honest,“ Hoyne said.

“Then you take it further to identify how they're playing,

“It is so recognisable. It is Richmond and Hardwick all over to what Richmond was doing at their prime.”

The Suns face one of their biggest tests of the 2024 season next up as the Blues await them at Marvel Stadium on Saturday afternoon.

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