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Swans CEO confident his club will re-sign talented free agent


Sydney CEO Tom Harley is bullish his club will be able to retain forward Will Hayward.

The talented 25-year-old is a free agent at the end of the season and he has been linked with either a move home to South Australia or to Carlton.

Hayward has had a strong start to the 2024 season, kicking 20 goals in the opening 10 games.

Harley says the Sydney playing group is aware that they may have to take less money to stay together.

“We’re confident that will Will stay with the Swans,” Harley told SEN’s Sportsday.

“There’s obviously a negotiation to be had and it’s never over the line until it is done, but what I can say about Will is he is really keen to stay.

“The playing group is understanding that to keep everyone together, there are some commercial realities around that.

“As I said, there’s a bit to play out, but confident we’ll keep him.”

Similarly, Chad Warner comes out of contract in 2025 and both West Australian teams are expected to try and lure him home.

Harley said the club is hoping to get ahead of the situation and re-sign Warner.

“He’s clearly a priority player for us going forward. He does have another year on his contract,” Harley said.

“When you’re working through your list and your priorities, he’s right at the top of that.

“We would love to extend Chad tomorrow beyond 2025 and those conversations will happen at the right pace and the right time, but he’s a very integral part of what we’re doing.”

It’s been a big year for the Swans on the signature front, with Errol Gulden and Ollie Florent committing long-term.

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Sydney Swans

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