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Why the pressure is on both Scott and Kingsley in crunch Geelong v GWS clash


David King has put both Geelong coach Chris Scott and GWS coach Adam Kingsley in the gun ahead of Saturday’s clash between the two sides at GMHBA Stadium.

While both teams started the season on fire and were one and two in premiership favouritism just last month, they’ve both since lost three games straight.

King thinks that neither the Cats nor Giants are playing as aggressively as they were to start the season and described both teams as ‘spluttering units’.

He wants to see both coaches go and try to win the game instead of save it, while also trying to restart their sides who have begun to falter after blistering starts.

“I've got a pair of coaches that go head-to-head this week in the gun, Chris Scott and Adam Kingsley,” King said on SEN Breakfast.

“I love what they both do. I love how they both coach.

“But let's be honest right now, neither of those two teams are playing anywhere near as aggressive as what they have over the last couple of years and you get what you ask for in AFL footy. They need to restart spluttering units.

“I'm waiting to see what levers they pull and who is prepared to go and win the game - go and stamp the game - rather than save the game.

“I know there's been some availability issues with both teams, but they're just going, and one team will have lost four games in a row after Saturday afternoon.

“For me, it's those two coaches to restart spluttering units.”

Given no premiership team since Richmond in 2017 has lost four games in a row, King’s co-host Cornes pondered whether the loser will be able to recover and truly contend for the flag in 2024.

“At 7:35pm on Saturday night, one of those coaches would have lost four in a row,” Cornes said.

“If it's Geelong, they’ll have lost a couple of games at home in a row and I'm not sure many premiership teams have lost four games in a row halfway through the year.

“Three weeks ago, I think both were one and two as premiership favourites.”

Saturday’s clash at GMHBA Stadium begins at 4:35pm (AEST).

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