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Quaynor not a liar UNLESS game is on the line: How line-ball call was almost overturned


Collingwood defender Isaac Quaynor says he’s not a liar, except when a game is on the line, after being involved in a line-ball decision in Friday night’s draw against Fremantle.

Bailey Banfield kicked the first of what turned out to be a run of four goals for the Dockers that got the home side back to level pegging, but Fremantle’s run very nearly died then and there.

In the aftermath of Banfield’s snap, Quaynor appealed that he had touched the ball off the boot. A score review wasn’t called but as the goal was reviewed on the way back to the middle, the goal umpire’s call couldn’t be overturned.

Quaynor offered an interesting perspective when speaking post-match to ABC Sport, most importantly stating “the umpires got it right”.

“I'm not a liar, I didn't touch it,” the 24-year-old said in the rooms.

“But I was trying to claim it … I'm a liar to win a game, but once the game's over, I'll be honest.

“I didn't touch it. I actually had a few people text me saying they thought I touched it as well, but no, the umpires got it right.”

Quaynor managed a game-saving smother last week against Adelaide and on Friday night finished with 16 disposals and five marks.

The Magpies and Dockers couldn’t be separated come the final siren at 75 apiece, with another incident that also led to a Fremantle goal dominating headlines.

The AFL has since ticked off the decision that saw Magpies midfielder Lachie Sullivan penalised for failing to give the ball back, with Sean Darcy the beneficiary in front of goal.

Umpire Matthew Nicholls was heard on the broadcast telling Collingwood players: Nicholls telling Collingwood players: “Fremantle free kick. You gave the ball to him. You have to give it to me. He handed it to a teammate. He’s not allowed to do that.”


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