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“He’s a big out”: Why Collingwood needs to protect Mihocek from himself, according to Buckley


Collingwood star Brody Mihocek re-injured his hamstring in his side’s draw with Fremantle on Friday night.

He initially suffered the injury two weeks ago, returning for the clash with the Dockers, and Kane Cornes wonders why the Magpies aren’t receiving more scrutiny for playing the key forward.

It comes after Port Adelaide were hammered for allowing captain Connor Rozee to play in the Showdown, the week after a hamstring issue.

He discussed the situation with Tom Morris and Nathan Buckley on SEN Breakfast.

Cornes: “I want to ask you about Brody Mihocek who did his hammy, missed two weeks, comes back in, does his hammy again, feels like he’ll now miss a longer period of time.”

“Port Adelaide play Connor Rozee off the hamstring injury and get absolutely smashed because he can’t get through the Showdown, misses two weeks and comes back, where’s the scrutiny on the Pies for their management of Mihocek’s hammy?”

Morris: “There should be some scrutiny, but I think when you play Rozee the week after doing the hammy, that deserves more scrutiny. There are the odd two-week hamstrings. It’s rare, but what’s more rare is doing a hammy and playing the next week, clearly Port and Rozee got that wrong.”

Cornes: “Both teams got it wrong, but not one person has criticised Collingwood’s management of Mihocek after two-week hammy. He’s come back and done the same hammy and he’s going to miss more time now. I think there should be some real questions put to Collingwood about that.”

Buckley: “Brody Mihocek is a guy that needs to be protected from himself as well. He will just absolutely soldier his way through duress, physical or otherwise, and you can just see it the way that he plays.”

“He’s a big out. Out of all the key forwards in the competition, I’d have him right up there. He hasn’t got the athleticism or height (as some), but as far as competitiveness goes, Collingwood is going to miss him.”

Collingwood takes on the Bulldogs on Friday night, hosting a home game at Marvel Stadium.

SENsync 728x90-DW


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