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King and Whateley’s top four seeds after Round 11, 2024


David King and Gerard Whateley have named their top four seeds following Round 11 of the 2024 AFL season.

King and Whateley will each rank four teams they have the most confidence in going forward on a weekly basis throughout the year.

The seedings will be updated as the season goes on via SEN’s Whateley.

See their seedings below:

SENsync 728x90-DW


1. Sydney

“They’re just so good to watch.

“Let's hope they hold, let's hope they can play this beautiful game and challenge the competition to get better.”

2. Collingwood

“The Pies are rolling.

“Just get on board, don't have them at four, you’ll let yourself down.”

3. Carlton

4. Essendon

“At four for me, I'm putting the Bombers in.

“If they're going to be this model defensively, then they're at four.”


1. Sydney

“The winner is Sydney.”

2. Essendon

3. Carlton

“We've both got Carlton at three.”

4. Collingwood

“Collingwood for me.

“They're afflicted by injury now.”

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